Friday, September 26, 2008

JA 7A Science Schedule for Sep 29th - Oct 3rd

Monday: Students should work on “How can heat cause motion in a liquid?” activity at home over the weekend and write a narrative basing on their observations. Its due on Monday and we’ll discuss their observations for part of the class period. Then we’ll talk about the types of heat transfer radiation, conduction, and convection. We’ll work on the study guide and they should finish the rest of the study guide for homework, which is due on Tuesday.

Tuesday: Students will review sec -1 and sec-2 Earth’s interior and Convection and Mantle during class to get ready for the test on Wednesday.

Wednesday: Test on sec-1 and 2 for 45minutes. Next students will get a new handout on sec-3, Drifting Continents. We’ll discuss about continental drift, and Wegener’s hypothesis rejected. They should work on part of sec-3 study guide at home.

Thursday: Students will spend some time in groups to work on the rest of the study guide on sec-3. Then we’ll move on to sec-4, Sea-floor spreading. We’ll discuss about mid-ocean ridges, evidence for sea-floor spreading, and subduction at trenches.

Friday: Continue the discussion on sec-4 and will work on the study guide. Students should complete the study guide for the weekend.

Biology Schedule for Sep 29th - Oct 3rd

Monday: We’ll continue with the PowerPoint presentations of the various cancer projects.

Tuesday: We’ll discuss sec – 6.1, Chromosomes and Meiosis. We’ll discuss about body cells, gametes, autosomes, sex chromosomes, body cells are diploid, and gametes are haploid. Students will work on the study guide for sec-6.1 and finish it for homework.

Wednesday: Today we shall discuss sec-6.2, Process of Meiosis. We’ll focus on Meiosis I and Meiosis II and how haploid cells develop into mature gametes. Students will work on the study guide for sec-6.2 and finish it for homework.

Thursday: We’ll discuss sec-6.3, Mendel and Heredity and sec-6.4, Traits, Genes, and Alleles. We’ll learn more about purebred, law of segregation, homozygous alleles and heterozygous alleles, genome, genotype, phenotype, dominant and recessive alleles. Students will work on the study guide to practice their application skills.

Friday: We’ll spend some time on the study guide from Thursday. Then we’ll work on sec-6.5, Traits and Probability.

Earth Science Schedule for Sep 29th - Oct 3rd


Monday: Ch-7, Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics chapter review is due on Monday. We’ll discuss how volcanoes put a chill in the air. Students will do a report on how the 1980 eruption of Mount St.Helens changed the nearby ecosystems, and the effects that are still noticeable today.

Tuesday: We’ll discuss sec-9.1, Minerals of the Earth’s Crust. Our main focus will be on kinds of minerals, silicate and nonsilicate minerals, crystalline structure, silicon-oxygen tetrahedron, ionic, chain, sheet, and network silicates followed by an activity. Do the worksheet and section review for homework.

Wednesday: We’ll discuss sec-9.2, Identifying Minerals. We’ll talk about the characteristics of minerals, mohs hardness sclae, six basic crystal systems, and special properties of minerals. Do the worksheet and section review for homework.

Thursday: Students will work on the mineral identification activity in groups. Next they will work on the chapter assessment.

Friday: We’ll review the complete ch-9 to get ready for the test.

Monday, September 22, 2008


1st Block, JA 7A, Science: We'll continue our discussion on the temperature inside the earth, work on the temperature and depth graph, and focus on the core and Earth's Magnetic Field. Later we'll work on a bar magnet's magnetic field activity with a bar magnet and iron filings. Students should work on the reading and study guide for homework.

2nd Block, Biology: We'll continue to work in groups on the study guide and power notes for chapter-5.

NOTE: The Cancer project (poster board or the powerpoint presentation) is due on Friday, September 26th. The poster board is worth 100 points and the presentation is another 100 points. I'm looking for good quality and quantity on your project.

4th Block, Earth Science: We'll discuss Volcanoes and Plate Tectonics during class. We'll talk about the major volcanic zones, subduction zones, mid-ocean ridges, and the hot spots. Do the worksheet and section review for section-7.1 for homework.

Saturday, September 20, 2008


1st Block, JA 7A Science: We'll discuss the assessment on Graphs in Science for the first half hour. Later, we'll discuss the topic Earth's Interior. We'll talk about exploring inside earth, a journey to the center of the earth, the crust, the mantle, and the core.

2nd Block, Biology: We'll review the sections-5.3, 5.4, and 5.5 under cell division. Later, students will be divided into groups to apply their skills on the study guide and power notes.

4th Block, Earth Science: We'll continue the discussion on Earthquakes and work on the chapter review questions. Later, students will be divided into groups to work on the extension questions followed by an earthquake activity.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

JA 7A Schedule for Sep 8th - 12th

Monday: To design and build a three-dimensional model project: Students already chose a model that they will be working on. They have to write a brief plan detailing how they will proceed with this project. They should include a list of the materials that they will use and submit the plan to me for approval on Monday.

Tuesday: We will work on the metric conversions for length, mass, and volume in groups followed by some inclass activities.

Wednesday: We will spend some time on how to measure volume of liquids using graduated cylinders, beakers, etc. volume of rectangular solids, and volume of irregular solids.

Thursday: We will work on how to measure the density of solids. We will have a discussion followed by density lab.

Friday: Today the class will be divided into groups and each group will work on the Backpack Basics Lab. Their job is to figure out which backpack is a better choice for carrying the recommended safe load of books?

Biology Schedule for Sep 8th - 12th

Monday: We will review sections – 3.3, 3.4, and 3.5 during class. Section assessments and work sheet for ch-3 are due on Monday. Review for ch-3 test.

Tuesday: Test on ch-3, cell structure and function. We will discuss section-4.1, chemical energy and ATP.

Wednesday: Discussion on section-4.2, overview of photosynthesis and section-4.3, photosynthesis in detail. Do the worksheet and section assessments for homework.

Thursday: We will discuss section-4.4, overview of cellular respiration and section- 4.5, cellular respiration in detail. Do the worksheet and section assessments for homework.

Friday: Discussion on section-4.6, fermentation. Students will work on the worksheet and section assessment in class.

Earth Science Schedule for Sep 8th - 12th

Monday: Ch-4 review is due today. Students will study in groups to get ready for ch-4 test.

Tuesday: Test on ch-4, Plate Tectonics. Discussion on section-5.1, How the crust is deformed?

Wednesday: We will discuss section-5.2, The results of stress and section-5.3, Mountain formation.

Thursday: Will work on ch-5 review during class. Later, we will review for the test.

Friday: Test on ch-5, How the crust is deformed?