Friday, January 30, 2009

Chemistry Schedule for Feb 2nd - 6th

Monday: Discussion on sec-3.1, The elements. Students will learn about the abundances of elements and names/symbols for the elements. Next they will sit in groups and memorize the names and symbols of the most common elements. After that we’ll move on to sec-3.2, Atoms and compounds. In this topic we’ll focus on Dalton’s atomic theory and formulas of compounds. Do the section reviews for sec-3.1, and 3.2 for homework.

Tuesday: Discussion on sec-3.3, Atomic structure. Students will learn about the structure of the atom, Thomson’s experiment, plum pudding model, Rutherford’s experiment, modern concept of atomic structure, and isotopes. Next they will work on the practice problems in groups. Do the sec-3.3, section review for homeowrk.

Wednesday: We’ll discuss sec-3.4, Using the periodic table. Students will learn about groups, periods, alkali metals, alkaline earth metals, halogens, noble gases, transition metals, nonmetals, metalloids, etc. and their positions on the periodic table. Do the section review for homework.

Thursday: Discussion on sec-3.5, Ions and their compounds. Students will learn about ions, cations and anions, ion charges, ionic compounds, etc. Next they will work on the practice problems in class. Do the section review for homework.

Friday: Students will work on the team learning worksheets in groups and study for the test.

Physical Science Schedule for Feb 2nd - 6th

Monday: First we’ll discuss the test from ch-2. Next students’ will work on an inquiry activity – How easy is it to compress air and water. Later we will learn about sec-3.1, Solids, liquids, and gases. In this topic students’ will learn why mercury was used in thermometer, kinetic theory of gases, behavior of solids, liquids, and gases. Do the section assessment and connecting concepts for homework.

Tuesday: We’ll learn sec-3.2, The gas laws. Students’ will learn about pressure, factors that affect gas pressure such as temperature, volume, number of particles, Charle’s Law, Boyle’s Law, and the combined gas law. Next they will work on the math practice during class. Do the sec-3.2 assessment and math practice for homework.

Wednesday: Students’ will learn sec-3.3, Phase change. In this topic they will learn about temperature and phase changes, energy and phase changes, melting and freezing, vaporization and condensation, sublimation and deposition. Do the sec-3.3, assessment for homework including writing in science.

Thursday: Students’ will work on a lab – Investigating changes in temperature during heating of solids.

Friday: Test on ch-3.

JA 7B Science Schedule for Feb 2nd - 6th

PROJECT/PRESENTATION: To design and build a three-dimensional model project: Students should choose a model that they will be working on. They have to write a brief plan detailing how they will proceed with this project. They should include a list of the materials that they will use and submit the plan to me for approval anytime this week. This assignment is worth 200 points and the due date will be announced this week.

Monday: Students’ will work on ch-2, section-1, Measurement – A common language. They will work on an activity; “How many shoes?” Next we’ll learn about the metric system, International system of units (SI), common SI prefixes, measuring length and conversions for length.

Tuesday: Measuring mass, difference between mass and weight, units of mass, density, densities of common substances, units of density, and formula to calculate density.

Wednesday: Measuring time, units of time, measuring temperature, units of temperature, and conversion between units. Do the sec-1 assessment for homework.

Thursday: We will work on the metric conversions for length, mass, and volume in groups followed by various inclass activities.

Friday: Students’ will learn how to measure volume of liquids using graduated cylinders, beakers, etc. volume of rectangular solids, and volume of irregular solids.