Friday, September 23, 2011

Chemistry Schedule for September 26th - 30th

Monday: Students will work on rules for counting significant figures, and rules for rounding off. Next, they will work on few worksheets to practice their application skills on applying these rules.

Tuesday: Today we will learn the rules for significant figures in multiplication and division calculations, and then in addition and subtraction calculations. Next, they will work on few worksheets to practice their application skills on applying these rules.

Wednesday: Students will work on sec-5.3, Problem solving and unit conversions. We will learn to use dimensional analysis to solve problems, the three temperature scales, to define density and its units, etc. Do the notes for homework.

Thursday: Students will work on worksheets to solve various problems on converting to different temperature scales, solving density problems and other conversions. Next, they will work on sec-5.3 section review.

Friday: Students will work on ch-5 chapter assessment for the first part of the block. Next, they will study for the test, which is on Monday October 3rd.

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