Monday, September 5, 2011

JA 7A Science Schedule for Sep 6th - 9th

Tuesday – Today we will discuss ch-1, Minerals of the Earth’s Crust in Book -2. We will focus on sec-1, What is a Mineral? In this topic, students will learn to describe the structure of minerals, and the two major groups of minerals. They will also learn about elements, compounds, crystals, and silicate and nonsilicate minerals. Do the notes and section review for homework.

Wednesday – Students should turn in their “Three-Dimensional Model” project today. Students will present their models to their peers during the class.

Thursday – Students, who were not able to present their models on Wednesday, will present it today for the first part of the block. Next, we will discuss sec-2, Identifying Minerals. Students will learn the seven ways to determine the identity of minerals, and the special properties of minerals. Do the notes and section review for homework.

Friday – Today we will move on to sec-3, The Formation, Mining, and Use of Minerals. The objectives of this topic are – to describe the environments in which minerals form, compare the two types of mining, describe the different uses for metallic and nonmetallic minerals, and to describe the two ways to reduce the effects of mining. Students should work on their notes and section review for homework.

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