Friday, October 24, 2008

Earth Science Schedule for Oct 27th - Oct 31st

Monday: Continuation of “Minerals of the Earth’s Crust” Powerpoint presentation by the students.

Tuesday: Discussion on sec-11.1, Mineral resources. In this section we’ll discuss about the formation of the ores, ores and contact metamorphism, ores and moving water, mineral conservation, etc. Next we’ll discuss sec-11.2, Fossil fuels. Here the main focus will be on formation of coal, types of coal, formation of petroleum and natural gas, petroleum and natural gas deposits, fossil fuel supplies, fossil fuels and the environment, etc. Students should work on the worksheet and the section reviews.

Wednesday: Discussion on sec-11.3, Nuclear energy. In this topic we’ll mainly discuss the nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, the chemical reactions, calculate the release of energy, nuclear reactor, the pros and cons of using nuclear energy. Then in sec-11.4, we’ll talk about alternative energy sources like solar energy, geothermal energy, hydroelectric energy, energy from tides and wind, etc. Students should work on the worksheet and section reviews for homework.

Thursday and Friday: Students will research the effects of automobile fuel on the quality of air. They will report their findings to the class on Friday.

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