Sunday, February 14, 2010

Physics Schedule for Feb 16th - 19th

Tuesday: Discussion on sec-3.2, Vector operations. Students will learn to identify appropriate coordinate systems for solving problems with vectors, and to apply Pythagorean theorem and tangent function to calculate the magnitude and direction of a resultant vector. Next they will work on practice A and practice B problems.
Wednesday: We will continue our discussion on sec-3.2. Today students will learn to resolve vectors into components using the sine and cosine functions, and to add vectors that are not perpendicular. Later they will work on practice C problems and section review.
Thursday: Discussion on sec-3.3, Projectile motion. Students will learn to recognize examples of projectile motion, to describe the path of a projectile as a parabola, and to resolve vectors into their components and apply the kinematic equations to solve problems involving projectile motion.
Friday: Today students will work on practice D and practice E problems. Do the sec-3.3, section review for homework.

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