Monday, March 31, 2014

Earth Science for Week 3/31/14 - 4/4/14

Monday: Sec-11.1 & 11.2 section reviews are due tomorrow. Ch-11 chapter review #'s 1 to 25 and 28 is due tomorrow.

Tuesday: Read Sec-14.1 and take detailed notes on it. Student's will be working on a research project about the National Parks in United States. They should do some research tonight to finalize which National Park they want to choose.

Wednesday: Students should read Sec-14.2 and take detailed notes on it. They also got to pick the National Park they want to research on. We will spend our time in the computer lab tomorrow working on the research. Students should create a Power Point with at least 15 slides. This presentation should be 5 minutes long and is due on April 11th.

Thursday: Students spent some research time in the computer lab and got started on their Power Points. They should continue working on this project at home.

Friday: Finish notes on Sec-14.2. Also, work on your "National Park" research and Power Point.

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